Anna Schweiger

I am a remote sensing scientist and ecologist. My research interests include investigating the association between plant spectra, plant form and function, and developing methods and theory for remote sensing of biodiversity, ecosystem function and services across biological, spatial, and temporal scales. I frequently map plant traits and functional groups, plant species and disease, and I use remotely sensed vegetation traits to assess the characteristics, behavior and diversity of other organism groups, including mammals and birds.  

Azin Rashed

I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Natural Resources Engineering with a focus on Arid Land and Desert Management from Semnan University, Iran in 2014. In 2017, I joined the Molecular Systems Biology Lab at Chung-Ang University in Seoul, South Korea as a research assistant. Driven by my interest in environmental sciences, I am now continuing my studies as an MS student and research assistant at the Department of Land Resources & Environmental Sciences at Montana State University.